The Athanassakis Family - Great Benefactors

"The Athanassakis Mansion" in the past, on the right side of the photograph with the two houses (today only one is preserved).
The Athanassakis Family – Great Benefactors 
Athanassios Athanassakis: A merchant with immense wealth and significant influence among the Ottoman rulers of Divani and high connections in Constantinople. Later, he became the elder of Portaria and a judge at the Volos Commercial Court. Through his will, he designated funds to pay for a teacher for the village girls, who at that time did not receive equal education (around 1900). 
Athanassios Athanassakis’ sons – Georgios, Dimitrios, Alexios, and Ioannis – contributed to the local community in the following ways: 
  • Establishment of the Girls’ Kindergarten in September 1907.
  • Foundation of the Girls’ School of Portaria, which now houses the Cultural and Athletic Association of Portaria “ORMINIO” and the Regional Clinic of Portaria, located directly opposite the homonymous Mansion.
  • Establishment and operation since 1909 of the “Athanassakeio Archaeological Museum of Volos.” 
  • Funding for the pavement of Portaria Square, a significant part of which still exists today.
Athanassakeion Parthenagogeion", as stated in the marble inscription at the upper part of the main entrance.
Athanassakeion Museum", better known as the Archaeological Museum of Volos.
  • The “Great Hotel THEOXENIA, the most luxurious in the Balkans,” which operated for approximately 40 years and was ultimately burned by the Germans in 1944, was also their creation. 
  • They established a hydro-electric unit in Portaria, primarily supplying power to “THEOXENIA” and also to the municipal lighting. Part of it remains today at “Adamena Square” (the eastern wall is preserved). 
  • They founded the Red Cross camps in Portaria. Today, the camp no longer exists or operates; however, a small portion of the property has been allocated to the Women’s Agrotouristic Cooperative of Portaria. Additionally, a large part of the courtyard area is utilized by the Municipality’s services. 
Portaria’s main square in 1930.
Alexios Athanassakis, benefactor of Volos.
Ioannis Athanassakis, jurist, politician, president of the Hellenic Red Cross, and benefactor.


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